
strategic control and clash treatment approach

February 22, the South China Sea Fleet, *** defense,shanghai escort, the Philippines legislature occupied parts of China Huangyan Island and Nansha isles and reefs. China's suggestion of This, the newspaper invited the marine and military strategy specialist, for our inquiry of the Chinese strategy to where the ocean.
】 【expert Yang Yi: China's National Defense Rear Admiral
Ye Zicheng: Strategic Research of Peking University in China Director of the Centre, Professor of International Relations,shanghai massage, doctoral
Song Xiaojun: well-known military expert, > Offshore frequency light strategy ** problem, or the Huangyan Island in the Philippines issues a long history of bilateral differences, the dispute has all been more than a dispute occurs. recent frequent trouble, are the countries to seek their own interests for the actions taken, these actions the one hand, China's sovereignty had a tremendous abuse, the other is approximately the declaration of national sovereignty in the *** or the South China Sea, maritime rights and interests to grab an important step.
Ye Zicheng: China's neighbors in China's maritime rights and interests China's interest to peeve the field is yet a long time, they are not because recently there any special cause for it to happen. can be anticipated that this prompting will continue to occur in the future, we should have long-term arrangement and planning for this. In this premise, let's look at the present and future occurrence of a duration of time these provocations will not feel any special reasons, do not need other reasons. Yesterday, Japan, the Philippines today, tomorrow it could be Vietnam, Da Houtian countries there may be something another.
conviction, only a transitional procedure, the South China Sea, neighboring countries are not necessarily fastening, and these countries in the understanding of this principle, there are also differences in every country from their own interests, to retain its sovereign status. I This principle is acknowledged to maintain reliability in the South China Sea, and gradually determine disputes is an important cornerstone of the South China Sea. This principle of the South China Sea and maintain my interest in other fathom taken are not contradictory. Of lesson the situation changes according to the South China Sea, and continuously enrich the and common development > Yang Yi: politicians in some countries that China's pursuit of peaceful development and take into account the international picture, not over-react, so persist to test the erosion of China's national interests, China is a sign of weakness, such views and practices are quite perilous. China believes that through foreign method, to determine the territorial dispute via friendly negotiation, even if temporarily and do not solve the worsening situation. If the prevalent use of force, not only not solve the fundamental problem, but also intensify the conflict. However, the strong military backing to safeguard national interests, the Chinese navy is to prevent other countries China's maritime interests unbridled erosion powerful deterrent.
economic development is the second choice, the military deterrent is the worst
Ye Zicheng: In the East China Sea, South China Sea interests challenged, I think China can effect a peaceable accommodation,namely not longer a Yao Ming, economic development and military alignment of strategic deterrence:
first peaceful solution is the best policy, should strive to, but do not count on it, should be walking on two thighs. DOC, the parties should discipline self-restraint and not take action to expand dispute But now Vietnam, the Philippines are in fact the circumstance of non-compliance, the document seems to have become a tether binding the Chinese action, the Chinese restraint,shenzhen escort, the other gathering does not discipline restraint; China does not expand the argument, the other side to expand the controversy; China to development, the other side and you do not develop, China is a large number of maritime rights and interests of solemn impair to other parties. In such conditions, China should start with the other parties solemn political and diplomatic representations: either to obey by this declaration, to achieve shared interests, joint development of China can take on more duties and responsibilities; or China will re-consider the declaration, or announced its withdrawal of the declaration; can not solve the problem wish in good faith on the other side.
second is applicable military deterrence. to safeguard the legitimate maritime rights and interests of Chinese, the Chinese military deterrent to the implementation of appropriate policies, the main purpose is to stop the unilateral havoc of other parties, The waters of the unlawful behaviour of alien economic exploitation and development of economy pressured to understand the economic activities in this area there will be big political risk. Of course, this is the worst they had to use it.
Three is to launch South China's strategic economic development plan to address the economic activities of the economic action of additional parties. This is the second choice, but may also be in the present circumstances the best in China to take movement. China is not experienced, etc.,beijing massage, await and Shadeng, must swiftly start the tangible development of the South China Sea economic arrangements, and amplify control in the South China economic development within the region of action, unlock conditions, community involvement and give incentives contained in the development of private capital. four-trillion plan to expand domestic demand, there is no arrangements to expand the development of marine economy is a error. may build an international mutual development district, saluted the international capital, also welcomed the ASEAN parties, of special note, the parties disputed with China, partake in a common development to; as the begin of this strategic preparation breakthrough, China can emulate the SAR mode, the establishment of special economic district Sea, directly under the central jurisdiction; on the Taiwan issue has been meaningful change in the circumstances, either sides can consider a win-win development strategy, focusing on Taiwan, the largest of the South China Sea Island Taiping Island to appliance cross-strait common development plan.
China should have a blue-water navy
br> Song Xiaojun: I do not agree that The results, unless the Chinese gave to the theme of industrialization and urbanization process of citizen modernization. The opener question is, whether we can not address this problem, the absence of planning and long-term development strategies. power is not skillful to some daytime behind, But 1st want to have, how the worker can reach the next question.
Yang Yi: I'm not in favor of the Well, it reflects a generation of Chinese infantry during the combat years the face of the enemy's spirit of revolutionary heroism. yet we are bringing warships to waters of the Gulf of Aden and Somalia execute escort task is the fulfillment of UN Security Council resolution to protect the citizen interests and enhance common development, not show of force nigh.
The construction of the ; the ocean combat overseas expansion, the pursuit of hegemony. In this regard, my personal view is that China absences to develop offshore operational capacity of the Navy, the purpose of safeguarding citizen interests and safeguard world peace. The key is how we use such a water navy contribution to the worldwide community, but also benefit our nation's energy imports, import and export, but also our national economic continues to sustainable development. the two are not contradictory, but mutually reinforcing and interdependent. We are now in the future not the pursuit of sea power. It is definite, no mistrust.
Ye Zicheng: This is not a the pursuance of universal sea aisle control and status. I patronize the Chinese have a proper scale in the upper outlook of blue water marine. strategic converge or ought be formed into the new militia, China is a land power power, the Army should be the world the strongest and maximum progressive, and the establishment and development of a mighty hidden, high-speed, with a large-scale projection, to the implementation of high-precision long-range buffet in the air and missile forces, the Navy should be mainly situated in amplifying and accustoming to shield China's coastal waters and territorial rights squabbles aboard maritime naval forces.
strategic imperative to build maritime
growing demand, cerebral build China's own maritime strategy is imperative. Construction of China's maritime strategy a few points to note: First of entire must comply with the grand strategy of peaceful development, so that is profitable to safeguarding national interests and promote the building of a harmonious the unity of the world. we pursue the interests of maritime safety and maritime security should be common and common interests, not selfish, allowed to tamper in any country and any force, resolved to use all means to be protected. For the high seas, in particular, international commerce and energy afford sea lanes to the security and unimpeded way, China should endow the most extent possible the power of co-operation with other countries maintain security and stability.
maritime strategy must also be constructed to obey with and abide our national security strategy and the overall military strategy. At present, our military, principally naval forces of the construction is still distant backward the national development and national security demand, extra backward the international community should make a contribution to the international status of China's expectations. So we should hasten the construction of military forces, especially naval forces of the erection. when also preventing the the overall position of public opinion.
Song Xiaojun: As far as I know, China has no clear maritime strategy, but the ocean in the process of China's ascend will subjugate an increasingly major character. China should have a focus on more long-term development of the marine strategy, the principles of this strategy not only to safeguard China's maritime rights and interests, but also to countries questing to build the world's marine rights and interests to share the goal of equivalence.
Japanese naval presence in the strategic conflict
and sea power is an inevitable conflict?
Ye Zicheng: China's marine development is peaceful in ecology, which at the strategic level and sea power, greatly reducing the casualty of large-scale military conflict. For sample, in their own coastal waters of China economic development activities, head-on collision with the U.S. Navy is mini possibility. with Japan although it may be there is a greater conflict, but also the strategic level, the 2 sides ambition remain at a cheap level of low-level level, in the past that the rivalry for maritime hegemony and war are differ in nature.
China and the United States in the clash overseas, the potentiality of large-scale strategy namely likewise small, because China does not maneuver apt compete as marine supremacy; China does no blueprint to eliminated attention of U.S. interests overseas, the Chinese legal expand overseas economy interests, is completely prevailed by the United States for a world economic array, mall rules, the conflict tin only be a competing economic interests, Moreover, China's economic development overseas a considerable colossal chapter of economic development with the United States correlated.
more importantly, China is a formative country, the strength gradually additional, with growing military deterrent force to defend their legitimate interests and muscular decision, anyone power in order to use military force to harm China's economic interests, but also will pay a high cost. At the same period, even in adjoining countries to handle with disputes in the maritime rights and interests, China has consistently clung to a peaceful settlement, and common development, strategic control and conflict management approximate, although the dispute will be long, but it is laborious accordingly cause conflict with the powers of the strategy.
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