
stay about mountains

Monday, October 23 Jiaozuo
I went to the CPPCC National Committee History and studying by with the staff of the Commission as well as some CPPCC National Committee members, from Beijing by China and Pakistan to the Jiaozuo City, Henan Province. After almost 10 hours long bumpy, at 7 pm point to arrive by Jiaozuo City Guest House.
Jiaozuo, ancient Sanyo, situated in the northwest of Henan Province, Xinxiang, east, west of Luoyang, south of the Yellow River, north of Taihang, is one of the central area of ​​early people movement has a profound historical and cultural heritage.
5 thousand years of antique civilization in this left many precious historical relics. Yu, yin, Sima Yi, Xu Heng, Zhu Zaiyu and other historical celebrities born here; Nu Sky, the Yellow Emperor Chi Day , King Wu, Bamboo Grove and additional romance from here; early Shang city with mars, mountain Yangcheng sites, ancient mule Sakamoto Road, Sima hometown, Han Xiandi Tomb and other monuments still exist; the first view of Miles mm Jiayingguan Yellow , Henan, the first of three urns 3 Santa mm, mm aboard the Central Plains of the three notable temples and other cultural scenery rich in content Temple. Jiaozuo namely the birthplace of tai chi, yin and yang, complementary, hardness and softness of the Chen Taijiquan originated here 300 annuals antecedent the Chenjiagou, inheritance by far, warmhearted understood overseas, cried China's citizen martial masterpieces superb and world cultural treasures.
10 Tuesday, 24 October
visit ancient capital of Kaifeng Kaifeng Kaifeng
Bianliang ancient name, is located Henan Province, east China's territory in the Great Plains in the center of east Henan. Kaifeng, the State Council released the first batch 24 historical and cultural city and one of seven ancient capitals of China, China Excellent Tourism City, National Model City for double advocate, the National Advanced City to create civilization, but also along the Yellow River in Henan Province and Central China city team the urban area of ​​359 square kilometers, the urban population of 80 million, jurisdiction Weishi County, Qi County, Tongxu County, Lankao County, Kaifeng County, five counties and the Drum Tower Area, Dragon Pavilion area, Yuwang Taiwan area, Shunhe Hui District, Jinming District Five District.
Kaifeng is a cultural city with a long history. located in the hinterland of the Central Plains, the Yellow River in Kaifeng, one of the main birthplace of the Chinese nation,Who 1st conceived the life of our ancestors, at present, 2,700 years of history. Spring and Autumn Period, Zheng Zhuang storeroom barn built in this city, known as the After the Han, Later Zhou Dynasty, Song and Kim are capital here known as goods set north and south the ancient capital of Kaifeng was the bustling scene. Kaifeng during this period, the emergence of a honest and neat in Bao, full door Valiant the Yangs, a national hero Yue Fei, Wang political reform and strengthen the country with major influence in such a large number of historical figures.
Kaifeng is a mores and landscape each other's cities, has a construction, but the city was forever the same axis and, as the history of urban evolution, a rare exception. Meanwhile, under the city of Kaifeng city has five wafers with its many wafers class, scale in China 5,000 years of civilization is unprecedented in the history of the world chief of the archaeological history and the history is matchless, is well-known specialists in history and geography, the ancient capital of China, Professor Zhu Shiguang Society as Tokyo city site where the Northern Song Dynasty, Kaifeng city wall, towers, Yanqing view, Shaanxi and Gansu Hill Hall, fan tower, Jiao Martyrs seven relics were comprised in the passenger spots 4. Longting Lake Scenic Area was labeled the National Scenic Area civilized demonstration, Bao Lake was named as the provincial polite tourist place. attractions, the main specifics of cultural landscape in the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing , early specifics of each generation are obtainable, the history of up to 145 hectares, accounting for the antique city area of ​​1 / 4, is the famous Kaifeng is the ; Xiangfu tune ;, Kaifeng Zhuxianzhen woodcut New Year pictures is an of the 4 embark pictures, domestic and foreign specialists and savants hailed as a national treasure. as the annual celebrations, and people art in the country several times won the gold honor marathon. as the held in February in Paris, France Bian embroidery exhibition caused a sensation. Kaifeng is a mixture of North and South essence of the forefather, town, named Zhuxianzhen. Zhu Hai this is a peddler, as amazing valor, was employed as diners Xinling Jun, Qin after the withdrawal, rescue Zhao, Wei kept contribute significantly to the battle. Since Tang and Song dynasties, Zhuxianzhen has been a sea and land transport paths and mercantile port, the Ming Dynasty is the only land and sea transport termini Kaifeng, so immediately and prosperity. primarily the Southern Song Dynasty Shaoxing ten-year (1140 AD), a citizen hero Yue Fei vanquished Kinbyo in Yan City, exploit a victory march now, made famous Zhuxianzhen victory. to the late Ming, Foshan, Guangdong Zhuxian has the town of Jingdezhen in Jiangxi, Hubei, Hankou town,toronto escort, known as the four important towns. Ming Qing is the most prosperous period Zhuxian, when the civilian and commercial town of 4 million households with a population of 20 million. to the mid-Qing Dynasty, because of the Yellow River overrun, and gradually decline. But its long history and glorious past, present Many surviving monuments and cultural relics, such as the famous General Yue Fei Temple, temple, mosque, unsealed Castle Ruins, Niutoushan, will be Taiwan, the Dragon behind and other nationally known Zhuxianzhen woodblock New Year pictures.
Kaifeng Yangliuqing Zhuxianzhen and Tianjin, Weifang, Shandong, Suzhou, mainland China, the four pictures Taohuawu product pedestal. Zhuxianzhen board pictures a long history. According to legend, Northern Song Dynasty, Kaifeng popular woodblock New Year pictures. Chinese New Year, particularly the New Year , each household have to be affixed to the door Lord, to appeal for Renshounianfeng, good luck, wealth and fortune, the town of evil Chuyao. With the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty, the warfare several times to open Gua, woodblock New Year pictures are gradually fading off. until the Ming Dynasty, Kaifeng board pictures only by the refreshment, but this time, the center has gradually shifted to Zhuxianzhen. Ming dynasty flood, Kaifeng was flooded, spent all businesses, Zhuxianzhen became the center of board pictures. Ming and Qing Dynasties, there Zhuxianzhen 300 Wood Drawing workshop, his works sell well all over, so the pictures Kaifeng area known collectively as , the main roles, easy background, full of decorative. uncomplicated and strong color to dark green, rhubarb, orange-based, no only the colorful hand, enrolling but five colors, bold lines and strong, simple style, strong. the most unique is the personas printed on a curved eyelids orange, seldom seen in other pictures.
Zhuxianzhen paintings tin be divided into two categories, one is god paintings, such as God Zao Jun, the world of God, etc.; the other is class goalkeeper, Zhuxianzhen woodcut New Year pictures is up to the door gods, keeper of the Qin Qiong, Yuchi Jingde two commons based. those big and small door god paintings, the two commons or clothes assorted, or different patterns: step under the lash, immediately whip, whip back, holding whip, perpendicular sword, mantle gowns, etc., not less than 20 different styles. In increase, there are a diversity of civil and military keeper. periodical door gods of five children, Nine Gates lights, Gods, etc.; Wu goalkeeper is often the obedient and righteous opera and all kinds of heroes. different people often affixed to the door keeper of different contents: the door stickers marital children generation ; and the like; Children's bedroom door and posted Lei Muk. carved onto wood with vegetable fuel ahead three to quadruple the surface of normal dry it after washing and then boiling water. scraper and scrape off the lumber surface with a special oil polished, talents known as . wood carving tools and more to create their own early years, there are graver, net seam ripper, paper filing, Gong document, scraper, spade knives, hammers, etc. more than twenty chips. And now, Block is also using the master set of special engraving knife.
typography. pictures printed tools and more local materials, the use of local savage plants to the top of the hair and brown, with a cord tied into conical straw color brush, a brush can not mix the same color. Another hammers children, sandbags , dip the brush and other assistant tools. pictures of paper, old paper to use more local low-cost land, Mao Bianzhi, since the Qing Dynasty, New Year started with specifications, toughness, good Japanese shiny paper. and now more students with our traditional rice paper publish. In general, the New Year 200 is a , a self-gray bricks placed in the slot, paper folding was careful.
trapping. order: first black, then yellow, then red, green, green. paintings printed to be stopped after a few hours to make the color , wind to be just right. Zhuxianzhen woodblock New Year pictures is very particular about the use of color typography. artists use traditional fry, boil, percolate and other multi-channel matching technology, well-cooked, so that pictures colors more vivid and chromatic. they are green, mauve pigment adding alum, lime, make it fully fermented, so the color can be tranquility, engaging, have the fascination. They are also remains of pigment joined to the tea water, so that when the reciprocal non-drying paint adhesion. high-grade pictures and statues of painted figures eyes, beard, dress to be jacketed ink, powder, color typography can be as many as 9 times. mediocre pictures to dark, yellow, red, red, green, lavender, six-color-based, after the first light weight, followed by overlay made. < br> Zhuxianzhen woodcut New Year pictures originated as one agricultural society, art, mainly popular in rural areas, production and treatment of the business is also mainly in rural areas, makers and operators are generally planters, rely on down from our ancestors technology and traditional business prototype. Today, in the Board Pictures production, mainly civil family workshops, Zhuxianzhen woodcut New Year pictures is through the production process but also to preserve and spread this way. With the spread of modern civilization, the rural community has convert increasingly towards urban development, urban civilization gradually cover the local culture of rural society. In particular, in recent years, the trend of rural migrant workmen in full wag, with a small woodcut New Year pictures is a gainful line of business, agree in fewer and fewer board pictures of the artist, also the detriment of some rare engravings, Zhuxianzhen lost woodcut New Year pictures is also facing a crisis.
2006, the Zhuxianzhen woodcut New Year pictures elected for the State Council published
Zhuxianzhen Yue Fei Yue Fei Temple, the temple built in the Ming Chenghua
Zhuxianzhen 10 years (1479), and Tangyin, Wuchang and Hangzhou Yue Fei Yue Fei Temple Unity Temple of the four known.
Southern Song Dynasty Shaoxing 10 (1140) swept the North on behalf of Yue Fei, defeat Kinbyo in Yancheng, and made famous Zhuxianzhen victory. descendants of the temple was built to celebrate the national hero Yue Fei. According to Inscription: ; in the state Tangyin by Wang Tian; and Zhuxianzhen who work in Hangzhou by King mausoleum Cunyan; in Tangyin king who is also. veranda rectangular area of ​​12,320 square meters, from the gate, kneeling, like iron, Beilang, Baidian, main hall, recess apartment and the statue of Yue Fei and family composition of the drawing. Zhuxianzhen Yue Fei Temple has attracted Yu Qian, Qianlong emperor, Yang Chengwu, Zhu, Hu and other historical diagrams, this disburse their final respects to remain Mexican.
Shan Shan Shaanxi and Gansu Shaanxi-Gansu Hall
City Hall is located in Kaifeng Xu Fu Street. Qing Qianlong year (1776), by alive in Kaifeng Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, founders of the wealthiest businessmen in the Ming Dynasty, Xu Wang Zhongshan, poly-owned house built on the site, a assembly place for fellow travel Bian. the existing building as portion of the temple hall for the national key cultural relics protection element.
Hill Hall by the Shaanxi-Gansu Zhaobi, Opera Tower and Drum Tower, the Church, composed of the main hall, and things Peidian. The whole building covered with brick, stone carving, wood carving, called the House Ruin.
Longting Chrysanthemum Exhibition
Longting Park, located in Kaifeng Xibei Yu, built in the Six Dynasties (Five Dynasties Later Liang, Later Jin, Later Han, Later Zhou Dynasty and the Song and Jin) upon the site of the palace, to the magnificent, imposing Basilica Longting effectively from the Meridian Gate, Jade Belt Bridge, Song Hu, towards the door, shade walls, toward the Qing Dynasty Longevity Palace and other buildings housing the essay, it shows a male royal garden in North Jay. a long history, wonderful culture, as people will Longting as , but also the fascinating and beautiful tropical gardens,toronto escorts, is a citizen AAAA level scenic spots. Park in the scenic Lake II Pan Yang, known as ; fame as a garden factory modeling, Meiyuan, browse the ancient Court and other attractions.
in the hall, also staged the Song royal culture with muscular procedures, lusty cultural air of the tribunal often makes dreams of the millennium, the imagination.
Dragon Pavilion is afterward year, October, the park formed a spectacular flowers of the throng. Kaifeng Chrysanthemum be held since 1983. survey this period of time in Henan, Kaifeng, the 24th falls on chrysanthemums will.
Kaifeng Chrysanthemum would have been proficient to in the this ancient land of the profoundly planted roots, has its deep historical roots. Kaifeng Yang Ju has a long history, much in the Tang Dynasty to take shape. Tang Dynasty poet Liu Yuxi Kaifeng Chrysanthemum described: Huang, Liang Yuan frost solo Chrysanthemum lights, drink chrysanthemum wine habit, and even open the ; the class disc. Ming and Qing Dynasty, Kaifeng Yang Ju, Shangju air prevails, the Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong's southern voyage came to Kaifeng Yu Wang Taiwan Shangju, it left a Chrysanthemum white pile, 17th conference of the Standing Committee judged to name the Kaifeng chrysanthemum is a famous Buddhist temple, built in Northern Qi Tianbao six years (555 years). massive phase Temple was originally called , given names are colossal relative to Temple, and individually wrote the more than one thousand priests, the honor of its great building, the held here, so the phase Temple, also known as . After the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Temple was severely harmed phase, increase the future generations of reiterated repairs, the time when the decline Sheng.
Temple is now a major construction period are relics of the Qing Dynasty, precise layout, temples Chong Li, the tall and broad, stately and impressive, indeed worthy of the classic temple pagoda in a temple. At present the preservation of King Hall, Main Hall, octagonal cup house, Canon House, Qianshouqianyan Buddhist temples and other monuments of 1992 and August restore Buddhist activities, rehabilitation Bell and Drum Tower and other buildings. The entire temple precise layout, majestic and impressive, were assessed in 2002 for the state AAAA tourist attraction.
10 Wednesday, 25 October CPPCC National History Association In the prologue session will
8:30, meeting in Jiaozuo City Convention Center. Henan Province, Vice Chairman of CPPCC and chairman of the CPPCC Wang Chen Kuiyuan book are addressed. History and Learning Committee of the CPPCC, vice director of Liren Chen theme of the report mm contribution.
14:30, group discussions all participants, says: the New History of the CPPCC work theory and practice. musicologist Mr. Qin Xu and I represent the China Art Research Institute and the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center, attended the fifth group debate. The meeting presided by the leader of the CPPCC Jiangsu Province. Mr. Qin Xu is a research companion of China Academy of Art Music, who has lead violinist, is currently engaged in music studies. He worked in China, ; affirm Intangible Heritage of Humanity written manifestation, is the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center Expert Committee. to argue the meeting, Mr. Qin Xu talked almost the protection of elusive cultural heritage on view, and accessible comprehensible explanation of the cultural heritage Road fist visit
8:30, in Jiaozuo City, International Conference Hall Conference Centre, the regional representatives address the General Assembly, introduce the local History and experience.
14:30, Jiaozuo Guesthouse in Conference Room 1, the provinces, autonomous regions , and municipal CPPCC parties function a representative to the progress of historical collaboration commutes.
15:30, all participants worked to visit Jiaozuo Chenjiagou Wen County.
Wen County is located in the North of the western plains, south Yellow River, north Qinshui, is the famous townships, 262 executive villages, population 446,000. Wenxian a long history, is the oldest in the ancient capital of Di Xiang, Luo culture is the main source. Wen, Su, Xing, and many surnames originated. Since ancient times, Eiken ahead in large mathematics : the birth of the famous thinker Bu Zi Xia spring, three well-known strategist Sima Yi, Song-known historical figures such as painter Guo Xi.
Chen village in Wen County of Jiaozuo breeze 5 kilometers east of the navel ridge, 35 km from Jiaozuo city. Chenjiagou is the world known as Chen Wangting Chenjiagou villagers, according to ancestral martial arts, boxing lessons the essence of many famous people, with guidance, breathing technique, Chinese medication meridian, compose a current inner strength boxing, by converting the averaging of yin and yang, the name Tai Chi Chuan. We first observe a genuine Taijiquan. Taijiquan is a skill, and strength, fitness, educational, and fix as one of the unique sport, and bears the profound averaging of Eastern philosophy. it yin and yang, static and dynamic, affirmative and negative, with alternatively without, the philosophy and spirit and the consensus of opposites such as religion, philosophy, ethics, martial arts, medicine, martial arts and other spiritual resources into being to encounter the body campaign of the exercise form and strength fitness, by adore people. At present more than 150 countries international and zones, over one hundred million people practicing tai chi. In Chen village, the village more than 80% of people will tai chi, and even play games but also away from children Tai Chi moves are not open, so there still there, way of life. Many people both started to urban migration, or with the social trend of lifestyle changes, destruction of the incipient cultural surroundings, so that the cultural connotation of dying, tai chi. this makes the development of Chen Tai Chi in the contemporary predicament facing many boxing, armed customary brim of extinction. In recent years, Jiaozuo City, Wen County, though levels of administration policy, funding, promotion, and popularization of a series of protective fathom taken, but the development of Chen Tai Chi is still not optimistic, jeopardized The situation is still merciless, urgent need to further reinforce the conservation.
2006 年 5 20 May, substance cultural heritage protection list 1963, where he studied eighteenth-generation descendant of Chen Style Chen Zhao Pi, learning Chen Style Taijiquan Old Frame First, Second Road, five-step push hands, knives, guns, swords, sticks and so on. then under the tutelage of Chen Style Tai Chi No. eighth-generation descendant of Chen Zhao Kui, Chen Style Taijiquan learning a new frame, Road and single-type catch skills .1982 first in Beijing in the National Competition Push Hand, won the championship .1985 participate in Harbin First National Tai Chi Chuan masters tournament, won the winner. He Chenxiao Wang, Chen Lei, Zhu genius known as the A.
show, we visited the Gallery, Temple Church square in front of asset, such as tai chi Zulin composed of seven spots, covering 20,000 square meters, the entire building for the Ming and Qing styles, through the inscriptions, murals, sculptures, objects and other vivid display the cultural connotation of Taijiquan. < br> front of the gate, and two stone lions guarding the temples, looked magnificent. waded into the door, the first entity namely grabs your eyes is the statue of the founder Chen Wangting the body. He single-handedly Nianxu one hand after Yi Mei fluttering, down a morsel moderate gas. behind him, There are several robust statue. center, Chen Wangting Nianxu sitting, left side of the trunk, the two disciples standing brush cutter. hall on both sides, respectively, six-generation descendant of Chen Changxing Chen Tai Chi Chuan, Chen has the seven-generation descendant of Chen Qingping, 8 generation descendant of Chen Xin's body seated.
Beiting author of the Church on both sides. These tablets will be in modern times Chenjiagou materials related to taijiquan brief record. One of the most prominent is the Monument Chen Tai Chi Chuan is the method tips. surrounded at exquisite frescoes boxing spectrum, these circumstances, Mr. Jin Yong's novels seem to have penetrated.
boxing spectrum on both sides of the Church Hall and Yao-Wu Yang Tak Temple. hall is full full of murals, painted all inherited Chenjiagou Taijiquan history and the story of Tai Chi Chuan bright away from family. a vivid reproduction of the tai chi mural look a hundred years, had profound Taijiquan prodigious.
2006, the Chenjiagou's in the s Tai Chi was founded in Chenjiagou Chen Wangting. Yang Tai Chi Chuan Yang Lu Chan by the disciples of Chen Changxing was founded in Daoguangnianjian. At present, both the crisis of tai chi are dying out, especially the Yang Tai Chi Chuan, practitioners depressed routines and exercises are being degraded, woeful.
Chen Wangting (1600m1680), also known as playing court, Ming and Qing Dynasties who Chenjiagou the ninth world, founder of Chen Taijiquan. He is great both civil and military, proficient armed fist, kung fu deep, in Henan, Shandong, quite prestigious area. Qunfei raids in Shandong, the thief is known not reach. deserving to social unrest at that time, eventually becoming De-Zhi, Wang Tinggong period of seclusion in the elderly, according to the ancestral of the martial arts, Bo adopted the essence of public companies, combined with Tai Chi Yin and Yang of the cause, the reference meridian theory and guidance, the art of breathing, with the yin and yang to create a set of consistency, hardness and softness of tai chi. Chenwang Ting down there to teach tai chi one to five course, pistol pummel all the course, changquan 108 latent double shove hands and sword, spear, sword, stick, mace, double stick guns and other equipment. One double double viscous hands and pushed the pistol, more than ever unique style. Chenwang Ting's book for age-old, multi- was lost, now surviving, to now, old age, in themselves, only to all over, Early End to the personal debt that is also, arrogance make up do not use, patient first. who I am silly humanity, merciful human I Britain. always wash our ears, not to activity the cap. smile moments million princes, work diligently, as I often create a sensibility of heart fame and fortune does not always corrupt. plumb machine off, know he Handan, Tao position in the fish and water, stay virtually mountains, Xing has nothing to do, garbage is also nothing to do. Subject to a World Environmental health, serene as follows, not belligerent does not quest, which cares Shi Xiong Yan Liang, Cheng has nothing to do, defeat has nothing to do. is not a god, who is immortal? folk Mozhi, all depend on winding me Jieyi,
split the heaviness of progress in pushing to play, to move option leave also face of the across.
forced to embrace everyone knows the anchor shelf, flash frightened cunning Who knows?
who masquerade to take the smoke transmission fraud failed, to lure back to the red conquering return.
knotted to take the sweep coil spirit subtle, odd even mysterious horizontal straight hacking.
hack into the disguising mandrel elbow, then step the red firearms pounding upwind; < br> b noodle foot pressure for sweeping left and right side village with hairpin thighs;
seamlessly after the cut-off before the pressure latch, diversion should be versed.
put on the imprison king shall be recorded under the offensive flash back Mo postponed. < br> Tibetan skull surface world, there are, retention the world center cut rib rare.
teacher does not know the reasons herein, the level of hardship of the martial arts.
Chen Changxing (1771-1853), the word yunting, Chenjiagou XIV, the sixth generation descendant of Chen Tai Chi Chuan, Yang Tai Chi founder Yang Lu Chan's teacher. with a His ancestral on the basis of the old frame routine will Taijiquan You Bo reduction, refining inductive, inspired development all the way into the present Chen Taijiquan, Road (also known as gun hammer). descendants called Tai Chi Chuan the old frame (large frame). Changxing public to guard for the industry, Zoubiao Shandong, renowned in the martial arts. According to legend, he was front of the stage to see them, standing in the thousands of people how to push, pull up sleeves, pro, squeeze, the pace did not move , where a human close to the body, such as water touch stone, not anti-self-decadent, when people referred to as Syrian human being to that memorial tombstone. Chen's son Chen Yannian hard, Chen Yanxi are Tai Chi teacher.
have the
Chen Qingping Chen (1795-1868), XV Chenjiagou Chen Taijiquan Article generation progeny, too Arts. Chengchen Shi Taijiquan since childhood teachers have the small skeleton of Chen, Shen Wu Li-fa, the pith of tai chi, daytime and night disciplines, Great work, won the elderly Changxing, a public admission of the two. Later, because of population reproduction, its parent corporation with his brother million million pull-election year to bring babies from the Chen village in the Qianlong shop migrated to Salt Wang Ge channel while the East Village. for of his father later the edible affair is booming warburg Zhao, juvenile masculine attendant while Zhao moved to Fort. emigrate, the future not stopped practicing tai chi, art reached a pinnacle when . The Act Guang Ping Prefecture of Hebei Wu Chong Wu Yu Xiang style Taijiquan; Wu style Tai Chi Chuan Sun Style Tai Chi Chuan Chong Sun Lutang transportation; Zhao Bao Tai Chi, and trillion innovation and style (also known as Zhao Bao frame); Li Jing-yan of the practice of the frame is after known as Tai Chi suddenly Ray aeroplane. Chen Taijiquan enhance the public is made indelible contributions to China Everbright.
Chen Xin (1849-1929), the word product three sixteenth Chen Shi Chen s eighth generation descendant of Tai Chi. Qing Gong Health, the modern history of the famous Chinese martial arts tai chi theorist. his father's martial arts since childhood, gifted extraordinary, well familiar in the fine Austrian Taiji martial arts, after the compliance Fuming Xi-Wen, Wen Wu both. for the definition of Chen Tai Chi Li excited, wrote books, his works include: Taijiquan's picture notes, br> 10 Friday, 27 October Jiaozuo (Yuntaishan, Zhu Zaiyu Memorial, Shen Shan)
8 am, we travel to Yuntaishan line.
Yuntaishan Department are the Taihang Mountains, Xiuwu County in Henan Province, is the world's first Global Geopark, Henan Province, but it is also the only set of key national scenic ...

