
and adviser the current conception of protection

At 13:26 on October 19, 2009 Source: People's Daily Online - Green Channel txt / Susie
we aspire apt a healthy and prosperous world, to humanity and society for a whole ambition entire life on Earth is always committed to long-term care behalf and cherish ecology. mm Conservation International Foundation Vision
2009 年 29 June to 2 July, the State Forestry Administration and the Conservation International Foundation (Conservation International Foundation, referred to as CI) 2009/2010 Annual annual cooperation projects held in the metropolis of Xining in Qinghai Province. According to a memorandum signed by the conference in the coming year, the State Forestry Administration will work with Conservation International in the conservation of wildlife and freshwater resources, sustainable forest management and development of forest carbon sequestration to address climate change, cooperation in areas such as public information, in Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan and other provinces to work.
Conservation International Foundation in 2002 to enter China, southeastern Tibet, the west, through the western Sichuan, northwestern Yunnan, amplifying to the south, extends north to the south of Qinghai and Gansu Province in southwest China mountain is to protect key areas of international work. they are adhering to the cooperation and communication, to determine their own distinctive as a catalyst, coordinator and supporter of the positioning.
Although not the first to enter China's international environmental organizations, but in Southwest China biodiversity conservation, climate change, the protection of International has made amazing accomplishments and chance an important partner for the State Forestry Administration.
new understanding of forest
face the same jungle, different folk have assorted comprehending. In the eyes of a botanist It is a alive sample chamber; the lumberjack's eyes, it is the wood and livelihoods; in the protection of international attitude, the woods is a function of many of the surprising machines.
vocabulary and the most concern issue, China has also published the use of relevant, such as the development of new renewable stamina alternatively improving stamina efficiency of our annual lives. The implementation of these reaches is indeed major, yet we need to take several decades to significantly dwindle industrial society dependent on the oil energy . However, the protection of the normal protection of the context is we tin now do. has this to say: the value of orthodox knowledge of forest lumber productions only focus on, but the forest is more essential contribution to mankind is to generate oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide, water and soil conservation and provide the required human survival, and many other aspects of biological diversity. But Afforestation projects are often the orthodox choice of a single species, periodically exotic species, so namely after planting a single ecological system created many problems, the ecological services provided along a kind of natural plant than lot worse. studies show that natural vegetation the recovery of unparalleled large value, protection and rehabilitation of forest ecological functions it will send considerable economy benefits. restored natural vegetation no only amend the effectiveness of soil and water conservation, and can absorb more carbon fixation, accordingly endow to global climate change mitigation, but also to provide better habitat for factories and animals, and reduce forest fires and pests.
Conservation International is the noted items) 1 of the organizers and the cardinal participants, the State Forestry Administration, Conservation International Foundation, The Nature Conservancy project carried out jointly by the conservation of biological diversity, for the purpose of improving the human environment, biological diversity in the world One of the key areas of protection of the mountain in southwest China carried out to explore the forest ecosystem function and the compensation for the use of multiple services, innovative financing mechanisms for protection, when promoting the development of forestry in the new century on the effectiveness of ecological protection.
Conservation International believes that this approach not only protect the forests, contributing to climate change, letting the local planters will benefit, can be more effective and more sustainable.
extra effective preservation of biological variety in ecological protection
people will have such feelings: State spends a lot of money for the protection of natural nature, but always feel the money drop in the bucket, and the results are often unsatisfactory protection. To mainly protect biodiversity in the world, the year demand for funds is 38 billion U.S. greenbacks, whatever, the substantial new annual funding for the protection of only $ 670,000,000.
in the present Some funds below the optimal allocation of resources to maximize the protective achieve, how to appraise the efficiency of investment protection is the protection of international issues has been learning. aid our country at this stage the best use of limited protection resources and assist decide the absences of China's absolute resource protection and allocation. from category to shirk extinction, defended zones, passageways with three areas to be built to monitor implementation of the project.
2007 年 12 months, conservation of biological diversity, international implementation of the EU project started. Conservation International, with Sichuan, Qinghai Forestry Landscape Conservation Office and the Centre, through the establishment of explicit objectives as biodiversity conservation community self-guided community protection activities carried out to the end of 2009, the total area of ​​7,000 square kilometers of the KBA (Key Biodiversity Areas) will be effective treatment and protection. EU project is a comprehensive biodiversity conservation projects, including on the Przewalski's gazelle, musk deer, Tibetan antelope, mammoth panda, wild yak, black-necked cranes, parrots and additional opener species breast Fei carried out targeted protection activities, as well as protection for the cultivation of the community. In the project areas, the protection of international created the Community Conservation Action Fund (CCAF) provocation machinery to encourage the protection of bottom-up behavior, the same time, Conservation International has led the community conservation practices (10 concerts of protected areas and communities in 80 small grants) to provide financial, technical and lawful assist and amplify community self-management competence and level of development and the creation of a set of innovative monitoring system, community participation in conservation and protection of the effectiveness of the process of monitoring and logging, the effect of demonstration projects to promote the protection capability of the local civilization is a converge of international protection. Since 2003, Conservation International and the local forestry sector, carried out the scale of Southwest the largest and most systematic protection and management capacity of protected area training. They came from Sichuan, Yunnan, Qinghai, Tibet, more than 50 new protected areas in the management of more than 500 travelers were 11 array of exercising, to educate the basic of protected areas the conception of protected area management and project development, wildlife identification and monitoring, community outreach and co-management and other aspects of wisdom. the training is completed, Conservation International too partook in the exercise of 10 protected areas the average outstanding value of the eighty thousand yuan Small funding. After several years of capacity establishing of protected areas, Conservation International in Sichuan to help set up six new nature keeps, including the first China office in western China to help the private management of more than Pingwu Nature Reserve, enhance the establishment of 2 community-based conservation area protection as: four Ya'an River County, Palm Ridge Yushu in Qinghai Province's protected areas and protected areas Lama Nora.
the one hand, protected areas to help improve their ability to protect the other , the Conservation International also conscious of: one relying on the state protection of capital investment, absence of social participation, is often not enough to encounter the need for protection; by the administration unattended can not coerce to protect the majority of protected areas to appliance effective protection appeared to be inadequate; At present the geographical distribution of protected areas is not reasonable and there are more vacancies in the protection of government-led communities nigh protected areas are often associated with the development of out of touch, and protection of the interests of the community's traditional ambitions are not met.
on this root to protect the proposed agreement to protect the international (Conservation Steward Program) concept, that does not change the case of land ownership, ownership of land from the protection, management of a protected right to divide, and then transferred to the commitment to the protection of the right to protection gathering. agreement to protect the path by agreement, the resources of the owner and protector of the rights and obligations of fixed, while establishing incentives to encourage spacious participation in society, to effect the goal of effective protection. agreement to protect the project since 2006 in Qinghai, western Sichuan and other areas began, wishes the demonstration project sites, skillful to explore a new type of China and the world's protected mode, and adviser the new concept of protection, protection policies to promote innovation, thereby affecting the development of protected areas decree, so that biodiversity effective protection of nature are.
let more people get comprised for
while Madonna was still a mammoth world excursion many criticized carbon emissions, the Conservation International's Gate Sixty concerts held 126 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, has been in mountainous Southwest China biodiversity hotspot camphor tree planting for 1132 credits. the protection of international long-term partner 3M enterprise also provided free of dictate cross a high-tech hot-film, this insulating film is attached to the melody auditorium on the south-facing glass curtain walls to help reduce the Music Hall in the summer use of atmosphere conditioning, to achieve reductions of 7.8 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
to enjoy the concert the audience to enjoy the craft at the same time, also studied almost climate change knowledge, knowledge how to use the carbon computer, made thousands of people reduce their carbon footprint, commitment to a cheap carbon lifestyle. music halls also arranged the National Geographic Society, the superb natural images show co-host, National Public Radio to provide high-fidelity recordings of natural sounds in the preoccupied more than 80,000 music lovers, because of publicity on climate change and its novelty and access to global sustainable development network of experts gifted the 2007 Award for climate change outreach.
to 2009 summer, naught carbon concert has been successfully held the third, was carried out by Conservation International, . as a protection of twenty years of experience with international unions, Conservation International's work in China, cried the comprehensive and in depth. they and the progressive exertions of its partners, to bypass it. to support all life on globe ecosystems are under menace. to this fussy time, we have not time to say: so I'm not so engaged now, so I am more earn some money, so a tiny wait. because soon, anything truly too late. Please add us!

