
flesh Class of fur processing personnel often undergo from rind anthrax

The same planet that was born from the moment of human, animals and people is indivisible, we live on the same planet. Imagine a planet will be like without animals. Animal is a human associate, they are accompanied by our human development, we humans have made indelible contributions.
the protection of wild animals is to protect human beings themselves. deserving to environmental degradation, human Luanbulanlie, a variety of wildlife is facing a variety of menaces. nearly 100 years, species extinction rate has more than 100 times the natural extinction rate is now 100 kinds of creatures from every day the earth. China has 10 kinds of mammal extinction , there are 20 kinds of infrequent animals facing extinction. and their extinction would guide to many new pills that can be used in the manufacture of molecular attributed to evaporate, but also caused many crops can aid conquer the harsh climate of the gene attributable to fade, and even guide to a new plague ,shanghai massage, which caused the wastage we will never irreversible.
numerous zones like the expense of wild animals, the consumption of wild animals, extremely contagious diseases. wild animals and humans suffering from a absolute of 100 varieties of diseases such as rabies , tuberculosis, pestilence, hepatitis and so above. their internal organs, blood, muscle and even embody viruses, parasites, such as B virus, toxoplasmosis, tapeworm, trichinosis, and some even in the cheap temperature of minus 15 ℃ or 100 ℃, lofty temperature tin not be slew or cleared. the slightest fault, you ambition have to hemorrhagic fever, psittacosis, rabbit fever, cerebral cysticercosis, paragonimiasis, schistosomiasis, intestinal parasites and so ashore. For example, an of China's major macaque monkeys with 10-60% carrying B virus, and raw monkey brains are a large possibility of infection, once infected with B virus,beijing escort, others die. let's use the most people eat snakes, it's prevalence rate high, such as sarcoma, hepatitis, parasitic diseases and other diseases have almost everything Moreover, in the Guangdong zone, because of the diet and aspire to fresh, raw food and half-eaten edible, which makes the incidence of food-borne parasites additional year by year. According to a recent scrutinize, this parasitic disease in Guangdong Province, the infection rate has approached 16.7%. On the other hand, a kind of domesticated animals can invest us with enough nutrition, so there is no absence to work to human consumption of wild animals.
animals some large-scale infectious disease and human events. Plague: There appears to time in the 6th century | Byzantine Emperor Justinian the Great ruled Egypt or Ethiopia, when the times, they have been called the almost throughout the world. after being called pandemic, the first time in almost bring offthe world, Florence, Italy, there are approximately 10 people dead. The second occurred in the 14th century, spread throughout Europe, Asia and northern Africa. The third took location in 1894, passed in 1900 to 32 countries. Since 1940, the prevalence is still relatively small scope of the world proceed to happen.
Cholera: time for the 18th centenary there appears to | from India began. but spread largely confined to the scope of the Ganges Delta region of India, At that time, vehicle restrictions, cut off from India and nigh the world, very slow the spread of cholera, medical historians to narrate that India's universal economy and commerce evolution to open a historic cholera blockade. has long been regarded as the most grim diseases other than plague. spread of animal | fowl. The earliest that the poultry plague, which is the fowl cholera, and later passed by the chicken humans. mortality rate 30% ~ 100%.
anthrax: the 19th century there emerged in time | to occur in agricultural regions, including Latin America, Southern Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and the Middle East. people Anthrax infection is chiefly due to vocational relationship and contact with sick animals or Bacterial contamination caused by the product. spread animal | cow, sheep, camels, mules and other herbivores. Regular contact with people and livestock, such as herders, veterinarians, meat Class of fur processing operators often suffer from skin anthrax, also known as industrial anthrax. It is a painless ulcer, but very complicated to cure. The intestines, lungs, blood and meninges anthracis lost both hazardous conditions, the rapid attack , the patient may die in 2 to 4 days. mortality rate 20%.
Ebola virus: the emergence of time in 1976, appears to | the Democratic Republic of Congo, whose name comes from the Congo rill. Since then, the recondite The virus has seemed in Gabon, Sudan, Ivory Coast, and even the United Kingdom. spread animal | even now been determined, suspected to be rodents. Recently, the Congo and Gabon in the areas bordering north-west repeatedly, the mortal Ebola virus outbreak. According to the latest information, the virus has killed more than 100 people Yinaibola. According to the Congolese Minister of Health announced the news medium, the reasons for the outbreak of the Ebola virus, the consumption of regional dwellers near the jungle dead primates. Symptoms | symptoms of Ebola virus is very scary. infection with high fever, muscle ache peerless, the body's center, liver, sand and other internal organs began to large erosion into the semi-liquid, and finally patients with eyes, jaws, snout and anus heavy bleeding, died foul blood drenched body skin pores. Ebola virus lightly through the patient's blood, semen, urine and perspiration communication, common incubation duration of three weeks, an infected person's necrosis can be as high as 80%. very early onset of omens with a confusing, lightly mistaken for an ordinary doctors fever or measles. mortality from 50% to 90%. Ebola virus first broke out to show a big hunk destruction, claiming 270 lives,particular played a few games in a row case, but no one was know what kind of virus. Ebola virus outbreak is the second time in 1995, 245 people died. in the Ebola virus was discovered 20 years time, bring an end to ...the world who die from this terrible virus About 1 million people. In truth, the virus occurred in the remote areas of Africa, so the substantial number of deaths may be much greater than this figure.
HIV: the emergence of period in October 1980. appears to | California Los Angeles hospital treated 5 cases of youth gay men, which behind several confirmed cases of a disease never ahead in history mm . researchers are likely to find the natural pond of the virus, or by least one mm host living in Africa, said black green monkeys or monkeys. The traditional view is that AIDS is a outcome of eating with the AIDS virus and other monkey or gorilla the meat of animals and disease. However, the failings of this methodology is that HIV infection via blood and body liquids, and eating direction that is not exactly. later the presumption that, as Africa and the moist tropical air, living surroundings, making the All-Africa living habits of the nation and the very random entities. in some areas the inhabitants there is a custom Ice Age: to activate the use of monkey blood, human sexuality. They will males and females of blood were injected into the blood of men, women or the pubic area and legs at the behind of the hand-arm , and even the monkeys in this note to the body's usage of blood handling of women with infertility and male impotence and other diseases. However, if this habit custom behind in the region, the premier years of the AIDS pestilence may be much longer than the history, making This view is also dubious of the year 1999 at the latest German biochemist three studies suggest that monkeys or monkeys in the wild do have a large digit of infected with the AIDS virus, but not develop the disease itself, and while they are hounding because bargain , the bloodsucking settled flies can be transferred to people living with HIV the body and cause disease, the other possibility is that the bite of blood-sucking flies bite people behind the monkey AIDS patients to transfer disease. mortality 61%, at least so far 36 million cases.
BSE: watched in 1985, appears to | 1985 年 4 months, the 1st circumstance in the UK, 10 annuals, the quick scatter of the disease has spread to additional countries such as France, Ireland, Canada, Denmark, Portugal, Switzerland, Oman and Germany. According to inspection base that some of these countries caused at imports of British meat .2001 September 22, Japan accustomed the first circumstance of mad cow disease in Asia. then the United States also found the first case, once the globe into crazy cow ailment frighten. spread animal | cow. direct contact with livestock appearance the special case of the central nervous tissue (including surgical instruments and other remedial supplies), human blood and digestive tract are the cardinal mode of transmission of mad cow virus. mortality of 100%, even now At fewest 125 people died of the disease, for not remedy, the medical career has failed to find the basis occasion disease, the mortality rate is virtually 100%.
Avian Influenza: emergence time in 1997. appears to | the earliest This occurred in 1878, Italy came to be known as million in oblique economic losses were estimated at $ 349,000,000. In these outbreaks of fowl deaths are merely in Asia, 1997, the explosion of bird flu has been infected and died, scientists found that the virus has a channel from chicken spread to people. spread animal chickens, ducks, pigeons and so on. mortality rate was 33.3%. At least 18 people infected.
infectious animal diseases caused by such a large animal itself is not the reason, but rather the erasure of the living environment of the human animal duty. the number of animal diseases to humans boost speed is very natural, human need to chase more stuff to enjoy, to the need for telling exploitation of natural resources. With the development of science and technology, the human footprint contained area will be pile up human immediately into space, deep sea, exposed to the possibility of a new virus will be scale up. even for the sustainable development of the natural world, the chance to come into contact with wildlife is much greater than before, also much greater probability of emerging diseases.
animals, many contributions to humanity, in space terms, the role of animals are: 1. testing the stability of spacecraft systems; 2. played in Manned Spaceflight monkeys, capuchin monkeys), rodents (capsule mice, rats, mice, voles, guinea pigs, rabbits), reptiles (salamanders, frogs, turtles) and the dogs, cats and fish. by animals space experiments, particularly experimental rodents and monkeys, as some medical results achieved: 1. the shock of weightlessness on the skeletal system. 2. weightlessness on muscle systems. 3. weightlessness efficacy on the nervous sensory system.
In the history of manned space flight, space animals, played a is also indispensable in future experiments, animals will the long-term human space people hate the flies, a very strange imitation successful small gas analyzer. has been installed in the spacecraft's cockpit, the hut used to find the gas makeup; 2. luciferase from fireflies to the pretended; 3. the invention of cordless fish the volt batteries; 4. jellyfish ears, modeled on the framework and feature of the ear jellyfish, jellyfish Ear Storm Prediction charted device, the Storm can be made 15 hours along of forecast, the safety of navigation and fisheries are important; 5. people beneath the frog eye vision principle, has successfully adult an electronic frog eye. This electronic eye can be like real frog frog eye as accurately nail the particular fashion of the thing. frog eyes into the electronic radar system, radar, anti- interference with greater capacity. The radar system can immediately and accurately identify the specific shape of the helicopter, ships and missiles. especially the missiles experienced of distinguishing among true and disloyal, to discourage real ones. electronic frog eye warmhearted used in airport and transmission to trail . at the airport, it can monitor the helicopter catching off and landing, the aircraft will be found to collide, timely alerts. in traffic arteries, it can bid the conveyance to prevent traffic collision chances; 6. According to the bat ultrasound of the Principle, it is also the blind imitation of the similar to the role of and biological control of electricity, has enhancer mm imitation of human wading machine; 9. the origin of modern crane nail claws in many animals; 10. corrugated roof imitating animals scales;
11. oars imitation is fin fish; 12. Science is the mantis arm saw, or saw grass; 13. Xanthium factories invented Velcro for inspiration; 14. sense of smell of lobster for the people to build scent detector provides one mind; 15. gecko toes on the industry of adhesive tapes can be accustom again to provide an encouraging prospect.; 16. beta protein produced by its gel is very muscular, such a gel can be applied to the suture from surgery to fill the ship and entire asset .
national enthusiasm for animals, many of the world, the amplitude of their love even more than other people. The English are fond of animals, people, but the first animal is not interested in English. the feelings of people and animals can be traced back ancient times.
In antique Egypt, folk outlook cats for gods. The antique Egyptians had a strange custom: If the cats died, the main mowed their eyebrows apt show grief.
9000 years Previously, the dog is the adore of animals Greeks and Persians, they let the dog and the household shared a apartment with intimacy. until today, the dog is still a lot of petting one of the nation. Some countries, languages, particularly English in many idioms,shanghai massage, are closely narrated with the dog.
people have deep feelings to animals, bloody animal is not human. It is said that there was a noted English writer Charles Dickens darling cat, cats also love the employer. it does not absence to see stay up late to the employer over. Then, when Dickens was still late at night jotting table, the feline fight on the candle with a paw, so that the owner sign off a repose.
namely worth mentioning namely the animals once they come to a plaything, generations afterward, they the head have to convert smaller, and no so natty. For example, as a toy alternatively a hare in the box in the park feeding the rabbit namely many extra stupid than the savage.
raising of animals is not only for pleasure, more important is to They go. It contains the ancient Roman emperor 希利伽巴拉 (AD 204 ~ 222 years) kept a group of tigers. battle to tiger chariot, instead of horses.
so huge in Brazil interesting python caring for babies. Similarly, there will be grazing the monkeys in Africa, in today's Africa and Namibia had a plough, raising 80 sheep. Interestingly, the shepherds is not, but cry it a scientific label of the huge baboon monkey. It herd to the mountains during the day and the night, come back. can accurately recognize their own sheep, and never made a mistake.
We live in the same planet, we share a general progenitor. animals have their their living environment,shenzhen escort, we can not go because we intruded and occupied a greater capability to their homes. animals, and we live in the same team of globe.

